The Strong Black Woman Narrative

Behind the Veil: The journey of a POC at a PWI The “Strong Black Woman” Narrative One of the most pervasive narratives surrounding Black women is that of the “Angry Black Woman.” It perpetuates a number of negative stereotypes that portray us as hostile, aggressive, and having nasty attitudes. First of all, if your identity … Continue reading The Strong Black Woman Narrative

Impostor Syndrome

Behind the Veil: The journey of a POC at a PWI Impostor Syndrome  Dear Diary,                 I…..Am….Drowning…... Drowning in a sea of self-doubt, insecurities, and unanswered questions. What am I doing here? How did I get here? Can I do this? Do I belong? I was talking to a friend about all of the thoughts … Continue reading Impostor Syndrome

Identity Crisis

Behind the Veil: The journey of a POC at a PWI Identity Crisis  The only thing a doc student does more often than contemplate why they voluntarily signed up for 4 years of torture is articulate their potential research question. Every time you meet someone, that’s what they want to know, sometimes before they’ve even … Continue reading Identity Crisis

Prepared but not ready

Behind the Veil: The journey of a POC at a PWI Prepared, but not ready I’m prepared, but I’m not quite ready. I understand how contradictory that sounds, but it’s true. Academically, I am prepared to handle the intense rigor associated with a doctoral program. Bring on the long articles, late nights and overwhelming amounts … Continue reading Prepared but not ready